We are excited to welcome dojos wishing to study and join the Renaissance Yawara International organization. To become an officially affiliated RYI dojo, you will have to go through our a simple Four Step process. These steps are being implemented to help ensure a certain level of commitment as well as the successful establishment of RYI Study Groups.



Fill out an RYI AFFILIATE DOJO APPLICATION FORM and submit it to the HONBU (Regional Directors can assist with this process as well.)  Or download the PDF and submit it to an RYI DIRECTOR.

2 – VISIT*

You can choose from several options (whichever is more convenient); Visit the HONBU IN TOKYO and study directly with them, invite
REGIONAL RYI DIRECTOR to conduct a local seminar or attend an OFFICIAL RYI SEMINAR.

*All applicants are required to attend a full RYI Seminar(s) or personally visit and train at the RYI Honbu in Tokyo, Japan.
This is meant to ensure a certain level of commitment from the new dojo as well as providing an opportunity to meet and
establish a relationship with current RYI members.


Select a REGIONAL DIRECTOR to help you get started. Regional Directors are qualified RYI members who are official teachers recognized by the Honbu. They will help new dojos establish/teach* an RYI curriculum, Kyu rank testing and setting up local seminars and promotions.

*This is designed to assist with the establishment and success of new Ryi study groups and help them eventually become autonomous (when a new dojo has a ranking member who is able to teach proper technique, they will no longer require regional support).


Establish an RYI Study Group – Start training! RYI members are required to pay annual RYI ANNUAL DUES as well as testing and certificate fees. These are listed on the RYI DUES & FEES CHART. RYI Membership forms can be filled out online or submitted by downloading the RYI MEMBERSHIP FORM PDF.


Only after an RYI study group has been established will that group be allowed to host Seminars with Satoh Sensei. This will also have to be coordinated with Regional Directors as part of the annual RYI Seminar (so as to better accommodate Satoh Sensei’s travel schedule). This way the larger organization can assist with cross promotions as well as help pay for expenses.